Stories of the Island World by Charles Nordhoff, 1857

Javanese Dress.jpg

Javan warrior, chief, woman, and laborer

Nordhoff provides an account of the introduction of Islam to Java:

“The first visitors to the island found its inhabitants to be Mohammedans; but the existence of numerous monuments in various parts of the island, as well as records of its history which have been preserved by the Javanese nobles and chiefs, prove that the religion of the country before the introduction of Mohammedanism was that of Buddha, which now prevails in Hindostan. The records of Javan history also prove that not till after much internal disturbance and several wars was the religion of Mohammed established. The period assigned for this event is the year 1400, or little more than a century before the first visit of the Portuguese” (89-90).

Stories of the Island World by Charles Nordhoff, 1857